
The following are just a few examples of my creative work. To sum up my creative strategy in one word, it would be: intentional. I take the time to understand the client’s authentic identity and vision for their business to provide a final product that immediately resonates with them and can be organically maintained.



Brand 〰️


The Brief:

An early stage tech startup was looking for a creative and unique brand identity to stand out in an increasingly saturated space.

The Work:

I drew a lot of my inspiration simply from the name of this brand. To match the boldness of the name, I knew the brand had to be prominent and full of color. Using pink as one of the primary brand colors is meant to highlight that this company aims to break the mold, for the better. GenAI plays a large role in the technology, and by incorporating it into the design, I knew it would resonate with the founders’ authenticity.

The Result:

The Brief:

An established real estate broker was looking for help in creating a streamlined brand identity. This particular client is a whiz with data and numbers, and many of his clients and followers work with him because of the analytical insights he provides. He had been creating intriguing content for his LinkedIn profile and newsletter, but knew that it lacked an intriguing design element that would take it to the next level.

The Work:

I knew that I wanted to keep the blues and deep purple in his color palette to convey feelings of trust and reliability. To add a mild component of flair, I incorporated yellow and green into the palette. I chose typefaces that aligned with his professional yet welcoming and approachable brand aura.

The Result:

The Brief:

The client organizes a charity golf scramble every summer and hired me to design all of the collateral for this year’s tournament. The collateral consisted of signage, swag, an Eventbrite landing page, and social content.

The Work:

In past years, the client had used similar branding for event collateral. As this year was shaping up to be the biggest turnout yet, I knew the design needed to stand out. I decided to go with a vintage golf rope hat and logo and carry elements of the logo design over to the signs. For reference, the signs highlighted corporate sponsors for the event and noted which holes were special prize holes (e.g., longest drive, longest putt, etc.).

The Result:



Email 〰️


The Brief:

The client has been sending a monthly newsletter since his real estate career kicked off in 2020. In the fall of 2023, he hired me to research and then implement a new Email Service Provider platform, as the one he was previously using (Tiny Letter) was being deprecated. We decided on Mailchimp as the new email software and aimed to send the first newsletter from Mailchimp in early 2024. The second part of the request was to redesign his newsletter to align with the updated brand identity. The newsletter provides data-driven real estate insights, with a focus on the Denver Metro Area.

The Work:

I began by successfully migrating his existing email data from Tiny Letter into Mailchimp to preserve his hard earned subscriber list. I then dove into redesigning the newsletter so I could build reusable templates. Data is data; it’s not always glamorous or aesthetic. This client was adamant about maintaining his reputation for being a personable, transparent, and authentic realtor in everything he puts out there. The newsletter would still contain the graphs and numbers that he is passionate about providing to his subscribers, but it needed more personality. I wanted subscribers to see the person behind the numbers: the reliable and genuine broker, the father of three girls, and the community builder.

The Result:

The original:

The redesign:

More Newsletters:

Social Media


Social Media 〰️


Social content for a real estate broker

Social content for a PR & Marketing Agency